Has a Caseload of 16-20 patients – goes out to see patients on a regular basis – at least once every 14 days
Depending on acuity of patient may be going 3x a week (wounds etc) needs to have critical thinking to be able to asses that and determine what the patient needs
Needs to have some hospice experience (ideally at least 1 year) – understanding of the Rules/regulations of hospice
Service area is 25-30 miles of hospice center in Carlsbad – don’t cover the whole county which is a huge selling point – only a portion of that area (either north/south/east of Carlsbad center – depending on location of candidate)
Productivity – 4-6 patients/day (some will be in facilities, some in homes)
Have to have drivers license – do offer mileage re-imbursement (pay the IRS)
Hours: 8:30am-5pm (have flexibility) rotating 1 weekend day/month (take a day off in that week before) only working 40 hours/week